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South Tyneside Young Health Ambassadors are a group of volunteers aged 14-17. The Ambassadors have been trained to undertake inspections of health services, to offer information & advice to their peers and to run their own health campaigns. The Ambassadors act as advocates for their peers to make health services better for young people within South Tyneside. The  young Health Ambassadors have undertook peer led research among peers, and also the under 25 population of South Tyneside. The  outcome of the research found some commonly asked questions about the South Tyneside Sexual Health Service . Below are some of the most asked questions that came from the research

South Tyneside  Sexual Health , provided answers to the questions hoping to give clarity and understanding to the young population of South Tyneside.

Will they tell my parent or carer

  • No we will not tell your parents or the person who looks after you but if you are under 16 we will ask you who knows you’re coming to the clinic. We will also encourage you to be open with a parent or an adult you can trust. This is so we know that if you have a problem you have someone to help you.
  • If you are under 16 we need to make sure that you understand the advice and information we are giving you and that you are able to “weigh it up” in your own mind.

Will I be judged negatively by professionals for visiting a sexual health clinic?

  • Definitely not – professionals view it as a sign of maturity that you are doing something about your sexual health and not just leaving it to chance.

What age can I get contraception from the service?

  • You can come and talk to us from any age. Every young person’s needs are assessed on an individual basis.

What age do I stop getting access to contraceptives from the service?

  • Never!

Can I request a practitioner of a certain gender?

  • You can but this may mean we have to give you an appointment to come back to the clinic when we can accommodate your request.

Will my information be shared with family/carers?

  • No in most instances your information will not be shared. Everything you discuss in the clinic is ‘confidential’. But – if we are worried that you or someone close to you is at risk of serious harm we have a duty to keep you safe. Sometimes that means we need to have a chat with your parent or carer. We will always let you know if we need to share information you have given us, nothing will happen without your knowledge.

Will I have to pay for any treatment/medication?

  • No this is free

Will my GP be informed about me visit?

  • Usually no, but sometimes if we are worried about you we might need to share information with other health professionals to keep you safe. We will discuss this with you first.
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