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Did you know PrEP is now FREE on the NHS and available from South Tyneside Sexual Health

What is PrEP?

PrEP stands for Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis.

PrEP is currently available as a pill taken before sex, so it is pre-exposure. Prophylaxis means to prevent infection. So you can use PrEP to greatly reduce the risk of becoming HIV positive.

Currently, PrEP uses oral tablets that contain two HIV drugs: usually tenofovir disoproxil (TD) plus emtricitabine (FTC).

PrEP is now free across the UK and from South Tyneside Sexual Health

Who can take PrEP?

If you are HIV negative who is at high risk of acquiring HIV and don’t always use condoms, then PrEP can greatly reduce your risk of HIV.


If you’re HIV negative, you may be able to take pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) medicine to reduce your risk of contracting HIV.

PrEP is available for some people who are at high risk of acquiring HIV infection – Examples of being a high risk of HIV are listed below.

Here are some factors that are linked to a high risk of HIV:

  • If you are a man or a woman and have sex with men who themselves have sex with other men and do not always use condoms.
  • If your sexual partner is HIV positive who is not on treatment or is on treatment, but their HIV has not yet been undetectable (not yet under control) for at least 6 months.
  • If you have sex without a condom with multiple partners and or with recent migrants to the UK.
  • If you are paid for sex and you are pressured not to use condoms.
  • If you were diagnosed with a recent sexually transmitted infection (STI) (especially rectal bacterial infection, HCV or syphilis).
  • If you needed PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis) particularly repeated courses.
  • If you use recreational drugs used for chemsex (crystal meth, mephedrone and GHB).

If you think PREP is for you, give us a call to discuss accessing PREP

Please call the appointments line Monday to Friday on 0191 4028168 between the hours of 08.45 & 12.15 for a telephone consultation.

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